Birthday: Ohere Felicitates With Pharm. Abdulkareem Jamiu Asuku, Describes Him As A Shining Star

The Commissioner for Works and Housing Engr. Abubakar Ohere FNSE, has felicitated with Chief (Pharm.) Abdulkareem Jamiu Asuku, the Chief Of Staff to Governor Yahaya Adoza Bello on the occasion of his birthday celebration.

Engr. Ohere in a statement he personally signed said, “I am so excited to announce to the world particularly to the great people of Kogi State that God in His infinite mercy and divine consideration blessed Nigeria with the birth of a special son in the person of Pharmacist Abdulkareem Jamiu Asuku on this fateful day.

“I thank this great God who gave me this unique opportunity to celebrate my dependable friend, a true brother, a true son of Ebiraland, an enigma and the face of humanitarian in the politics of Nigeria, an indefatigable; a resolute revolutionist, the Chief of Staff to Kogi State Governor who added another remarkable and memorable 1year to his years today 2nd January, 2021.

“With the birth of this shining star from Kogi State, 2nd January every year remains remarkable, memorable, historical, epochal and evergreen to all Kogites. This is the wonderful day that Apostle of hope, a humanist, an accomplished pharmacist and administrator par excellence, visionary, egalitarian, radical, respected, a pragmatist and exemplary leader was given birth to.

“As you celebrate this great occasion of your birthday today, I celebrate with you and pray that the Almighty Allah in his infinite wisdom, grace and protection, continues to guide you in all that you do”, he said.

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