Anambra Guber: APC Leaders Urge Party Faithfuls to Close Ranks for Andy Uba’s Victory

Ahead of the November 6th Governorship Elections in Anambra State, Hon Victor Mba, the Coordinator of the APC Mobilisers, a support group for the candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APA), Andy Ubah, has called on APC faithful in the area to close ranks and work with unity of purpose towards ensuring victory for Senator Andy Ubah in the forthcoming elections in the state.

Making the call while addressing APC faithful during an interactive session held at the Umuosuma Square Ward 3 Inland Town, Onitsha, Hon Victor Mba charged all the project coordinators and their 10 member delegates each from the 15 wards in Onitsha North to embrace the group’s strategy of Booth-By-Booth, Polling Unit by Polling Unit monitoring system, adding that they should endeavor to discharge their assignments diligently.

Hon Victor Mba also disclosed that the group would soon embark on ward tours to sensitize the electorates on the need to participate actively in the forthcoming elections by ensuring that they obtain their Permanent Voters Cards (PVC) to enable them cast their votes during elections.

Also speaking, the zonal coordinators, APC Ward-To-Ward Ambassadors, South East Zone, Comrade Akunwata Ejoh Ojiba urged members of the party to be dedicated and work hard for the success of the Andy Ubah for the Governor Project.

He called for concerted efforts towards ensuring the achievement of the party’s aspirations, adding that he was confident that APC would win a landslide victory at the polls come November 6th, 2021.

In his contribution a former member of the House of Representatives, Onitsha Federal Constituency Hon Gozie Agbokoba commended the group for the proposed ward tour.

He noted that the plan was not only timely, but also strategic, stressing that members should redouble their efforts towards winning at the polling booths level.

Hon Agbakoba further urged the group to use the opportunity of the ward tour to strategize for the coming elections based on polling unit by polling unit monitoring and mobilization of eligible voters.

He called on eligible voters who are yet to obtain their Permanent Voters Cards (PVC) to avail themselves of the opportunity of the ongoing online continuous voters registration exercise to obtain their PVC to enable them exercise their franchise.

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